Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Bleeding Heart

My heart hurts.

My heart hurts for so much happening around the globe and in our country. 

It hurts for the hate and bigotry and unnecessary loss of life. 
The unfathomable fear that humans live in every day just because their skin is a darker shade, and their murderers are taught that it’s ok to take their precious life.
I am livid that this continues and we can’t seem to put a stop to it, and I deeply weep for families who mourn these tragic losses. 

My heart hurts for our country, our government refused to take proper precautions to hinder the quick spread of a virus, because the bottom line is always money.
It breaks for the needless loss of life, and fear that lives inside each of us during this unprecedented pandemic. 

My heart aches for pieces of the life I once knew, bear hugs from my family, and belly laughter with my humans. 
I ache to live and thrive, while we are stuck in the limbo of survival....

There are too many questions and not enough answers. 

Too much pain and not enough love.

Too much hate and not enough compassion.’s just too much and my heart, right now, just hurts....