Oh man it has certainly been a while since I've dug in and blogged. I've been stressed and blocked and worried and a thousand other emotions all mixed in together- all the while trying to enjoy being an engaged woman.
Life has certainly reminded me to stay on my toes.
If you're a reader you know I've been on the unemployed train for my full 99 weeks and then some- the checks from NJ ran out and I began to pick up gigs from amazing friends here and there, to supplement my income. I have been at the point where I call myself a professional interviewee - though I'm not sure how professional since not one has worked out....until today. But I'll get into that for a minute.
Its funny, when you're younger you think you'll reach a certain age, and you'll have learned it all.
Not. Even. Close.
I am 33 and I don't no sh*t about sh*t (Grandma, and family please excuse my terrible language but there's not a word that can convey my feelings quite like the above).
When I was 22 I knew everything, had the world by the preverbal balls and was marching into my future, strong, unwavering, and just the little determined Boston girl.
Here I am, 11 years later, and my career path has done a crazy turn, I have been forced to "survive" with very little and I have to say, I'm happier than I've ever been.
In the depths of my hopelessness over unreturned calls from interviews, I received a call that had nothing to do with my employment. It was my new friend who works for a bridal boutique in their photography department, Brandie. She happened to call on the wrong day- I was feeling super down and worried sick about my future- or was it the right day? In regards to me booking my photography with them, I ended up telling (this almost stranger) that I had been unemployed, the checks stopped and I was in a crap place. Her sweet little voice perked up and said "OMG come work here."
I do love me some bridal industry! I've been maid of honor 3 times, all 3 dresses were from the boutique. I'm great with people and have I mentioned I love the wedding industry!
Hope flourished through my veins.
We continued talking it over for a few minutes and she made it her mission to get me in there and find me a job that would supplement my income.
Now a little back story- I've been dying to get my foot in the door in some way to this wedding world. I love the romance, the happiness, I am good at defusing stress and bridezilla-ness. Could this be yet another possible path for my life?!
Speaking of paths, I have been down about a ba-jillion in the last two years trying to find a niche, a nook, a space for my talents to earn some money. I still love my Organizta, she's my baby- but in order to build her the way she needs to be built, I need some serious business classes, or even a degree. She's not gone but I don't have the cash to put into her right now- so Plan B needs to come into play.
I've thought about becoming a home stager for residential realtors.
Getting my license to be a financial broker. (intimidating!!!!)
A seller of amazing inspiring shirts made my my lovely friends at Live.Breathe.Grow.
Professional certified organizer
...and probably a ton of other things.
In an economy such as this, when administrative and processor jobs aren't readily available you really start to grasp at whatever is available to you. It can make you feel so desperate, but I have to say, I have the best support system in the world. My loving fiancé, and my amazing parents who never knock any crazy idea I've brought to them. They just tell me that I'd be great at it and let me work through it on my own. I also have this top notch network of women who are more supportive than I could ever ask for (((broadies))).
Even in the depths of my despair my life is full of love.
I am eternally grateful for that.
So I officially have my foot in the door in the wedding industry. I'm nervous but beyond excited. I know this is something that I can bring all of my skills to and even create an actual career. Something that my heart has longed for. Something my mother wanted for me more than anything, that I wasn't ever quite able to attain while she was here with me. This will be in a company where there's tons of room for growth- and areas where I can shine, rather than be stifled. Where I can be myself rather than try to pretend that I am someone who I am not.
I have never been great at being a corporate cut out- I am me. Raw, uncut, unpolished, wacky and lovable- I am me and I never want to feel like I need to be someone different. I love who I am, I enjoy my own personality, and I stand tall, happily in my own skin.
Off I go into the bridal world, and what perfect timing as I am also planning my own wedding! YEHAW!
I can't wait to network and meet brides and be immersed in a world of love and romance!
If you've made it this far, you are a devoted reader and I appreciate you more than you know. I'm elated to be moving forward and into a career where I can bloom.
Moral of my story, Plan B- its not just for the morning after ;) haha.
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