Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Take your own advice!

Well, do you?
I've been feeling quite unbalanced these past few days, the mighty Organizta has lost her "do it all" mojo and is searching to get it back.

So as I sit here contemplating on how to find my lost motivation, I wondered what I'd tell my friends, readers, and loved ones, were they to approach me with this issue.

I'd tell them to make manageable lists and cross things off as they approach them.
Also not to beat themselves up when they didn't get as much done as they wanted (advice I NEVER take: this must change).

I'd tell them to take 1 yoga class this week, to thank their bodies, minds, and souls for always leading them to greatness. (I will go to at least 1 class this week, hopefully two- anyone want to hold me to that?!)

I'd tell them to make a 5 month plan, then continue breaking down the plan until they have daily plans that feel completely do-able to the point of it just being daily life.

So here I sit, before I begin my work day, and wonder why I have all the advice in the world, yet I feel stagnant.
As a woman I feel that I must do it all, every day with grace and style. Well guess what, my ratty old GAP sweatshirt does NOT scream style, and my bumpy pony tail isn't really the epitome of grace.

Things must change, this I do know.

So today at the top top of my "To-Do" list is to find my balance. My balance of peace in my mind, amidst the chaos of my schedule.
Once peace has been obtained I believe the rest will fall into place.

Living in the moment is very hard when futures can be so uncertain, but I'm trusting my heart and gut to lead me wherever I need to be.

Today I am taking my own advice, and it feels great. :)
Tomorrow I will take over the world with grace and style and complete organization!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Like Me

There are days I wake up and wish I was half as smart as you were.
Times that I look in the mirror and wonder who's end of the stick was shorter

There are moments in my life when I wished a little more of your wisdom had penetrated the walls of the womb before it was too late;
Instances when regret fills my soul with fear and sadness and I just wish in that exact moment that I was stronger- like you.

Minutes when I wonder what the darkness I was kept in was for, to keep me safer; or to keep you from seeing things for what they were, admitting to life that you did, in fact, need help beyond your control.

There are evenings in my kitchen as I stir in your silver pot, that I wish I could cook like you, or channel you in some way for your secrets or just your loving touch that seemed to make life so delicious.

Days in my life I look around and wish you could meet these people who have touched my life, helped me grow, dried my tears, and accepted me for everything that I am and most of all showed me love.
These people, mom, you would have loved for pushing me when I was unmotivated, and slowing me down when I become obsessed over the unknown.

...and then time stands still, and I think about the not so dark-ness that you tried to save me from and I wonder;
I wonder in those moments if you wished, for just a minute, that you could be free like me-
Free from the captivity that a daunting past held your heart and soul- I wish in these moments that I could have the strength, love, wisdom, and voice to show you just how it could be...